“Hi Uri, I never filled out the testimonial piece but feel free to take whatever you like from this email. So, I'll be the first to say that as an endurance athlete my weight is often on my mind and finding the balancing between getting enough calories and maintaining a racing weight is something I've really struggled with. During the bootcamp I feel like I learned so much about proper nutritional habits. I always thought that I need to eat salads and restrict my calorie intake--joke was on my I was eating well below what I needed to maintain energy for training and racing. Since the bootcamp I've made it a point to be better at eating real meals (some taken from the class recommendations) and I haven't had a salad in weeks! I weigh myself every day (not in a compulsive manner but just for my records) and I've actually lost weight but feel like my energy is so much higher and my training is better than it has been. I've noticed a distinct change in my muscle definition and feel leaner too! This past weekend I got 3rd and 1st in the women's cat 3 cyclocross race. I have no doubt that my change in nutrition contributed to it. 


Uriell Carlson